Advent Sunday 27th November 2016


Advent, the season of the church’s year when we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, begins with the lighting of the first candle on the Advent Wreath.

Our lay-led service took as its theme the need for everyone to ‘stay awake’ and be ready to welcome Christ when he comes.

Following the service, almost fifty people enjoyed a fabulous three-course meal in St Disen’s Hall.

Advent lunch 1Advent lunch 2

Advent lunch 3

Just served a three-course meal to forty-eight people—and still smiling

Remembrance Sunday 13th November 2016


Following the Act of Remembrance at the Guildhall, we welcomed almost 200 people, including the Mayor and members of the Town Council, to our Remembrance Service.  The service was conducted by Revd. Keith Gale, who took as his text ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’.



Standards were presented by Scouts, Cubs and Beavers.


Henry’s baptism

On Sunday, 6th November, we were delighted to welcome Henry and his family and friends to St Disen’s, where he was baptised by Revd Jane Taylor.