Letter from the Past
I recently received an interesting parcel from a Mr Jack Saunders, now living in Lincolnshire. It contained an old Bible and Hymn Book which had been presented to him in 1940 when he was an evacuee in Bradninch.
The letter reads — I have sent these two precious books to you as I am now getting on in years and have no-one to leave them to. I thought you might like to display them in your church which I used to attend as an evacuee during the war. I will always remember those days which I spent with my younger sister and older brother in Bradninch.
St. Disen’s Church Sunday School, Bradninch. Christmas 1940
Given to Jack Saunders in memory of his stay in the above little town.
Jack and his brother and sister stayed with the Skoines family (who had five children of their own) in Westfield.
Jack, with some of the Skiones family.
The boy on the left is John Skiones who was killed in Korea in 1951 and whose name is on our War Memorial.