Month: December 2018
If you’re wondering what Christmas is really all about then we invite you to try Alpha.
Alpha is a great introduction to the Christian faith -whether you’re new to faith, a non-believer or just want a refresher. The first session is on Wednesday 30th January, 7.3pm in St Disen’s Hall. Each session starts with pudding!
To book a place and/or for more information please contact Olly on 01392 881733 or
Looking forwards to some special events
Coming up this Saturday, 15th December at 6.00pm in St Disen’s Church is a Christmas Concert with the Bradninch Choir. Before that, in the morning from 10.00am we have our Coffee Morning in the Guildhall with cake and bric-a-brac stalls and a raffle, followed at 12.00pm by festive rolls (turkey/brie and cranberry sauce) and mulled wine.
On 17th December at 2.00pm is the Duchy School Christingle Service and at 5.00pm at the Guildhall on 19th December is the Messy Church Nativity.
And on Saturday, 22nd December we have Carols by Candlelight which promises to be a particularly Christmassy event, followed by refreshments.
For all of our forthcoming events and services please see our What’s On’ calendar. Everyone welcome.
Last Sunday, 2nd December, marked the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the church’s year and a time to start looking forward to the birth of Christ. Following our Advent Service at which the first candle in our Advent wreath was lit and singing such wonderful Advent hymns as ‘Lo! he comes with clouds descending’ and ‘O come, O come, Emmanuel!’ we sat down to share a lovely lunch in a most festive setting. Thank you to all who helped prepare and serve the meal and cleared away afterwards.