In Loving Memory


A quite reflective candlelit service to remember those close to use who have died will be held in St Disen’s Church on Sunday afternoon, 1st November at 4.00pm.

Please note that there will be no official Remembrance Service on Sunday, 8th November.  We will be holding a service of Morning Praise instead which will be at the later time of 11.30am.

‘All is safely gathered [t]in’

Our harvest praise was rather different this year with no beautiful displays of fruit, flowers and vegetables.  However, we had a special collection of items for CHAT (Churches Housing Action Team), based in Tiverton.  As well as having a food bank, CHAT provide free, impartial support and advice on housing and homelessness issues, tenancy, and debt and money problems.

Service update

Please note that in a change to our advertised services, our All Age Worship tomorrow, 4th October will now be a service of Morning Praise for harvest.  The service on 1st November will now be Holy Communion.