Plough Service

Tractor ploughing a fieldThe Devon Farming Community Network’s Plough Service for 2025 will be held in St Disen’s Church at 3.00pm on Sunday, 9th February. Followed by refreshments.

Praying God’s blessing on the land and those who work it.

FCN is a Christian charity which offers pastoral and practical support to those in the farming community.

Christmas is coming! Joy to the world!

Come and join us as we look forward to Christmas with an evening of beer and carols, a candlelit carol service, a ‘knitivity’ Donkey Service with Isachaar the donkey and a traditional service of Midnight Mass to see in Christmas Day. And on Christmas morning we have a service of Holy Communion at 9.00am.

St Disen’s Gift Week 2024

Photo of a church with a tower against a blue sky with trees on either side and gravestones in the grass in front.

The first week of December is our annual Gift Week for 2024. Please can you make a special donation this week to help support St Disen’s. All monies donated go towards helping the mission of our church or towards the general upkeep and maintenance of the church and church hall.

More information and how to donate can be found on our Donations page. Thank you for supporting St Disen’s Church. Your donation is much appreciated.

The journey to Christmas begins

This Sunday sees the start of Advent. We’ll be lighting the first candle of the Advent wreath and beginning the journey to Christmas. We are gathering for Traditional Communion at 9.00am and for All Age Worship at 10.30am. Refreshments will be served in the hall in between the two services.

In Loving Memory

All are welcome to a quiet and reflective service to remember those close to us who have died. If you would like the name of a loved one read during the service please contact Revd Olly Mears.

This is my story comes to St Disen’s

Two rows of faces

This Is My Story is a photographic exhibition sharing stories of faith from people across Devon. It features portraits by photographer Huw Ryden together with each subject’s faith story, in their own words. The aim of This Is My Story is to share living faith stories and encourage us to think more about our own faith and how it has shaped our lives.

This Is My Story from the Church of England in Devon is currently touring churches and schools across the county. It will be on display in St Disen’s Church until 7th October 2024.  More information and videos of some of the stories can be found on the Diocese of Exeter website. It is also on Instagram: @thisismystoryUK


Bride and groom walking  down the church aisle

  Two people standing in a swimming pool gently lowering another person under the water  

Our congratulations to Jenny and Hugh and to Sophie and Jon who were married in two beautiful services in St Disen’s Church recently. Congratulations also to Hana and Jo who were baptised recently in a wonderful open air service at Clyst Hydon swimming pool and to baby Noah who was baptised last Sunday. It was lovely to welcome him and all his family and friends to our church.

Back to school with Jesus

Fun, fresh and thought provoking.  Our All Age Service this Sunday, 10.30am, is going back to school with Jesus.  With prayer and worship for all ages and stages.  Light refreshments will be served in St Disen’s Hall beforehand, from 10.00-10.30am.