Warm Welcome

Each Wednesday through the autumn and winter, we will be offering a Warm Welcome in St Disen’s Hall from 9am till 3pm.  You’ll find a warm, free, safe community space, with hot drinks, home baking, homemade soup, all free to all.  You are welcome to just pop in or stay all day.

We’re part of the national Warm Welcome project and supported by Bradninch Town Council as part of their Winter Project.

Knit & Natter

The third Tuesday of the month, 2.00pm, is knit and natter time in St Disen’s Hall.

Can’t knit? That doesn’t matter. Bring another craft or just come and natter (and enjoy a cuppa as well).

Messy Church is moving

Our children’s group, Messy Church is moving from the third to the fourth Wednesday of the month.  The time and place, 3.30pm at the Baptist Church, remain the same.  See What’s On for more information on what Messy Church is all about.

Welcome to our new curate

Hazel, our new curate, cutting a cake with husband, Mike, beside her

We are very pleased to welcome Hazel and husband Mike to St Disens.  Hazel, who was ordained in Exeter Cathedral on 10th September has joined us for two years.

Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
21st April 1926 – 8th September 2022
(Photo © The Press Association)

Gracious God, we give thanks for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth, for her faith and her dedication to duty.  Bless our nation as we mourn her death and may her example continue to inspire us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

St Disen’s is open daily and you are welcome to come in for private reflection.   There will be a special service commemorative service next Sunday, 18th September at 4.00pm.  A Book of Condolence will be available to sign in the foyer of the Guildhall, 9.00am-5.00pm, during the period of national mourning.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his Majesty and the Royal Family.

Nice day for a wedding

The bride and groom looking closely at each other

It was with great joy that we welcomed Joe and Jodie together with their family and friends for their wedding on 6th August.  A special day that was made even more special, not just by the beautiful weather but by the fact that after several cancellations due to Covid restrictions, the day had finally arrived!  Congratulations Jodie and Joe!

Garden Party

To coincide with the annual box opening for collections for the Children’s Society, we are holding a Garden Party at 36 West End Road on the morning of Friday 5th August.  There’ll be refreshments, cakes for sale and a raffle.  It all starts at 10.00am.

Thank you

Our thanks to all in Bradninch who donated to this year’s Christian Aid Week.  We collected 910.65 from returned envelopes plus donations online.  Sarah & Ros, Bradninch Collection Co-ordinators