Welcome to our new curate

Hazel, our new curate, cutting a cake with husband, Mike, beside her

We are very pleased to welcome Hazel and husband Mike to St Disens.  Hazel, who was ordained in Exeter Cathedral on 10th September has joined us for two years.

Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
21st April 1926 – 8th September 2022
(Photo © The Press Association)

Gracious God, we give thanks for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth, for her faith and her dedication to duty.  Bless our nation as we mourn her death and may her example continue to inspire us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

St Disen’s is open daily and you are welcome to come in for private reflection.   There will be a special service commemorative service next Sunday, 18th September at 4.00pm.  A Book of Condolence will be available to sign in the foyer of the Guildhall, 9.00am-5.00pm, during the period of national mourning.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his Majesty and the Royal Family.

Nice day for a wedding

The bride and groom looking closely at each other

It was with great joy that we welcomed Joe and Jodie together with their family and friends for their wedding on 6th August.  A special day that was made even more special, not just by the beautiful weather but by the fact that after several cancellations due to Covid restrictions, the day had finally arrived!  Congratulations Jodie and Joe!

Garden Party

To coincide with the annual box opening for collections for the Children’s Society, we are holding a Garden Party at 36 West End Road on the morning of Friday 5th August.  There’ll be refreshments, cakes for sale and a raffle.  It all starts at 10.00am.

Thank you

Our thanks to all in Bradninch who donated to this year’s Christian Aid Week.  We collected 910.65 from returned envelopes plus donations online.  Sarah & Ros, Bradninch Collection Co-ordinators

Jubilee celebrations in Bradninch

The bride and groom walking down the church path under a shower of confetti

Four days of fun, music and celebration, including a wedding heralded Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Bradninch.  Our congratulations to Jenni and Paul (above) on their own very special day.

People watching the performance of the Bradninch Jubilee Pagaent with a lady with a crown on in the foreground

The Bradninch Jubilee Pageant outside the Guildhall
Photo (c) W. Radmore

Aerial view of people riding on a tractor and trailer

Tractor and trailer taking people up to Christ Cross for the lighting of the Bradninch and Silverton Jubilee Beacon
Photo (c) W. Radmore

Musicians playing on a stage

Music in full swing at Christ Cross
Photo (c) W. Radmore


The Jubilee Beacon
Photo (c) W. Radmore

Jubilee Music Festival Worship

Music Festival Worship – a jubilee weekend celebration for all ages.

As part of Bradninch’s Music Festival this Jubilee weekend, our All Age Service on Sunday morning will be a joint celebration with our friends from the Baptist Church at the Guildhall at 10.30am.  Come and join us!

CWGC War Graves Week 21st-28th MAY 2022

  Grave stone

May 21st-28th is the Commonwealth War Graves Commission annual awareness week which aims to encourage people to discover the World War heritage on their doorstep.  Many of the men and women who fought and died in the First and Second World Wars are buried or commemorated in local parish cemeteries, the stones and plaques maintained by the CWGC. 

Bradninch is home to nine war graves.  Eight lie in St Disen’s Churchyard and the ninth is in the graveyard at the Baptist Church.  More information on these graves can be found on our ‘Lest we forget’ page.

Christian Aid Week 15th-21st May 2022

Global poverty is on the rise. Coronovirus, climate change and conflict are pushing more and more people around the world into a struggle for survival. Together though we can help turn hunger into hope.  Please watch for the envelope dropping through your letter box or donate online today.