Christmas Eve at St Disen’s

We warmly invite you to join us for one or both of our special services for Christmas Eve.  At 6.00pm we have our Crib Service, a lovely service for all ages, a chance to hear the story of that first Christmas in Bethlehem more than 2000 years ago, told with the help of our ‘knitivity’.  Then at 11.30 we have our traditional Midnight Communion Service to see in Christmas Day.

Let it rain? let it rain? let it rain?

Well, the weather outside may have been frightful but our candlelit carol service was delightful and the mince pies and mulled wine afterwards ensured that all the way home we were warm.


Christmas raises questions for all of us.  What’s life really all about?  What is most important and precious to us?  If you’re asking questions then we’d love to invite you to try Alpha.  It’s a great opportunity to explore the Christian faith, whether you’re a non-believer, new to faith or wanting a refresher.  Each session starts with pudding and includes a short film and time for discussion.

The first session is on Thursday 16th January at 7.30pm in St Disen’s Hall.  For more information or to book a place please contact Olly.

Christmas is coming!

With Advent now upon us, we are looking forward with expectancy and hope to celebrating the birth of Jesus.  And during the next few weeks there is plenty to look forward to at St Disens.

On 14th December we have our Coffee Morning in the Guildhall and then, in the evening, at 6.00pm there is the Christmas Concert with the Bradninch Choir.  The 15th December sees the Three Churches Christmas Songs of Praise, again in the Guildhall, at 10.30am.  On 16th December at 2.oopm we have a Christingle Service with the Duchy School.  Then on 21st December it’s Carols by Candlelight with the Bradninch Christmas Choir and on Christmas Eve at 6.00pm we have our traditional crib service with our ‘knitivity’ figures.

For more information on these and all our December events and activities, please check out our What’s On page.

St Disen’s ‘Knitivity’