Clergy Surgery

If you would like a place to talk or be prayed for, to light a candle or do some thinking, please do come into church this week.  St Disen’s is always open for you in the daytime and this week clergy surgery with Revd. Olly is on:

Monday 25th March 4-5pm

Tuesday 26th March 4-5pm

Wednesday 27th March 1-2pm

Mothering Sunday All Age Worship

Come and join us at St Disen’s on Sunday 31st March at 10.30am.

A fun, child-friendly place to celebrate the people in our lives, whatever our family looks like!


Lent 2019

To mark this year’s season of Lent we invite you to come and join us for the following:

Pancake Breakfast on Shrove Tuesday, 5th March at 10.00am in the Church Hall.

Ashing Service on Ash Wednesday, 6th March at 5.30pm in the Church.

Lent Lunches.  Soup and a bread roll every Friday throughout Lent at 12 noon in the Church Hall.


Coffee Morning Thanks

A big thank you to all who supported and helped in any way at our coffee morning at the Guildhall on Saturday.  We raised an amazing £257.00.  Thank You.