Devon County Council donation to Tiddlywinks
Many thanks to DCC and our councillor, John Berry, for their generous donation, which will enable us to buy a new carpet and toys for Tiddlywinks.
Many thanks to DCC and our councillor, John Berry, for their generous donation, which will enable us to buy a new carpet and toys for Tiddlywinks.
‘Trio Exe’ will be making a welcome return to St. Disen’s for a special Concert of Remembrance. Sunday, March 11th at 4.00pm.
Come and chat with our new priest, Olly Mears over a pint of beer (or whatever your tipple is) in The Castle from 8.30pm onwards.
Please note that there will be no Tiddlywinks this Wednesday, 3rd January. It will start up again on Wednesday 17th January, 9.30am. And on Wednesday 24th January we will be hosting our usual coffee morning from 10.30am.
We were delighted to officially welcome Revd Olly Mears last evening, 4th December, when he was licensed by the Bishop of Exeter to serve as Priest in Charge at St Disen’s here in Bradninch and also as Pioneer Minister for St Andrew’s in Cullompton. Representatives from the parishes, neighbouring churches and the County Council added their words of welcome. We look forward to working with Olly as we put into action words from the Bishop’s address to grow our church.
We also take this opportunity to thank the PCC and particularly the Churchwardens for all their hard work in keeping the life of the church going during the 18 month vacancy.
St Disen’s celebrated the end of the church’s year and started looking forward to Advent and Christmas with a lovely three course lunch – a trio of starters, roast beef and a scrumptious selection of deserts.
As well as welcoming friends and family, we were also delighted that Revd. Olly and his family were able to join us. Our thanks go to all who helped prepare the meal and made the tables look so lovely.
We are delighted to welcome Revd. Olly Mears and his family to Bradninch.
Olly will be licenced by the Bishop of Exeter at St. Disen’s Church on Monday, 4th December at 7-00pm.
Everyone is most welcome to attend the service and, later, to join Olly and his family for refreshments in St. Disen’s Hall.
The church was beautifully decorated for Harvest Sunday when St Disens celebrated the harvest with a special service including well-known harvest hymns such as ‘Come Ye Thankful People Come’ followed by a lovely three course lunch.
With food from around the world available to us today at the click of a button it is all too easy to forget the importance of the harvest. But many people are struggling to get enough food and our world faces a variety of environmental problems that threaten our future food supply. Our ‘harvest homily’ exhorted us, therefore, to take our thanksgiving for harvests safely gathered in to a new concern for the whole world.
Our thanks go to all who decorated the church, cooked and served the lunch, and cleared away afterwards!
In August, I held my annual coffee morning in aid of the Children’s Society. Lots of people supported the event and enjoyed coffee, chat and delicious cakes. Thanks to all who baked, made coffee, gave draw prizes or attended.
This coincided with the annual box opening — little plastic boxes have been filled with loose change by people in Bradninch and beyond. I had the pleasure of counting many pounds worth of coins! Thank you to everyone who has one of our boxes.
The final total sent to the Children’s Society was £703.00. This fantastic amount will go to support the charity which does such important work with and for children, and campaigns for change to improve their lives. Thank you all, once again.
Lyn Lucey